> If you're content with VirtualBox, Microsoft themselves provide images
> of various versions of Windows with various versions of IE already
> installed.
> https://dev.windows.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/tools/vms/windows/

On Fri, Jan 29, 2016 at 2:08 PM, Marina Brown <mar...@e271.net> wrote:

> They have a portal that requires windows. I think you can even get
> windows 10 for free under some circumstances. Not sure about this i had
> a windows license owned by my company.
> --- Marina Brown

Thank Marina, Coypu

I have opted by this way.

I have downloaded the image for virtual box for ie6_winxp. It has
worked with the qemu emulator.

I have done:

tar xf file.ovf
It has uncompressed a vmdk file. I have converted it to qcow2 with qemu-img:
qemu-img -c -O qcow2 "IE6 - WinXP-disk1.vmdk" "IE6 - WinXP-disk1.qcow2"

qemu-system-i386 -m 256 -net nic,model=ne2k_pci  -net user -hda "IE6 -

and it worked ok.

It is slow..., but it works and it is easy if you think on wine.

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