Hello Greg,

On Mon, Feb 01, 2016 at 08:57:12PM -0500, Greg Troxel wrote:
>   KerTeX has been updated to the latest D.E. Knuth's sources (tex, mf and
>   some auxiliaries). AMS fonts 3.04 are also here.
> That all sounds cool, and was a trip down memory lane; I adjusted
> metafont input paramaters back in 1990 or so to make fonts look better
> on a write-white printer (LN03?).
> Is KerTex in pkgsrc?   I realize we have texlive, but it would be nice
> to have kertex too.

No. KerTeX uses its own cross-compilation/installation framework (RISK).

Typically, under NetBSD, it's installed, for machine dependent, under
/usr/pkg/bin/kertex, and for machine independent under
/usr/pkg/share/kertex with only one utility outside: which_kertex(1)
(telling where it is installed) under /usr/pkg/bin. So removing the 3
removes kerTeX. (Note: my main workstation runs NetBSD.)

I have not, for now, the time to make a RISK -> pkgsrc wrapper.

        Thierry Laronde <tlaronde +AT+ polynum +dot+ com>
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