ryo...@yk.rim.or.jp (Ryo ONODERA) writes:

>However I have no experience about non-GPT disk.
>And I do not understand naming rule about non-GPT disk partitions.

There are two cases:


    There are no wedges for this disk, but NAME matches dk_name + 
    -> wd0a, wd0b, wd0c just refer to /dev/wd0a, /dev/wd0b, ...


    if the d_packname is '' or 'fictitious' then
         the wedge is named dk_name + partition_character
         -> wd0a, wd0b, wd0c, ...

         the wedge is named d_packname + '/' + partition_character
         -> label/a, label/b, label/c, ...

So you can just use something like NAME=wd0a together with a standard
disklabel (where d_packname == 'fictitious') and it will find the
same partition, wether your kernel has DKWEDGE_METHOD_BSDLABEL or not.

This doesn't help for a 'portable' name. You can only have names if you
use wedges and you must assign a name to be 'portable', i.e. independent
of the driver name.

I.e.: you use a kernel with DKWEDGE_METHOD_BSDLABEL, use the disklabel
program to set the d_packname to something like 'systemdisk' and then use
NAME=systemdisk/a to refer to the root partition of that disk.

                                Michael van Elst
Internet: mlel...@serpens.de
                                "A potential Snark may lurk in every tree."

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