On Wed, 10 Feb 2016, the wise Bert Kiers wrote:

I recently installed NetBSD 7 on an old Digital PWS600au and build and
installed Midnight Commander via pkgsrc.

I also have such a box, so I could try.

My problem is is that a lot of keyboard keys do not work, and that makes
mc quite unusable. I think it has something to do with the console
settings but I don't know how to solve it.

Does anyone know how to make mc in a console work?

Do you use serial console or built-in video?
Is it function keys that do not work or other ones?

It's running now with the original Powerstorm 4D60T and this is console only because X has no drivers for it afaik. I also have a Matrox G450 PCI lying around which was installed years ago. Then it ran FreeBSD 6.0 with X.

The function keys do not work and also the numerical keyboard section, including home and end etc. In FreeBSD I can switch consoles with ALT+Fx but that doesn't work either in NetBSD.

I recall to have entered "vt100" for console at installation, which was default.



No experiment was approved for the convention by the Human Subjects
Committee of the Psychiatric Convention Planning Team.  If you notice
smoke coming from under a closed door, if you find a body on the hotel
carpet, or if you just meet someone who orders you to press a button
marked "450 volts", react as you would normally.

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