On Fri, 12 Feb 2016 03:08:04 +0000 (UTC), chris...@astron.com (Christos
Zoulas) wrote:

> Ok, do a cvs update (which is what triggers it), wait a bit and then
> do the unmount.

I'm not quite sure about to what you refer.  On a non-stuck client,
during 'cvs update' on the NFS server or even arbitrarily long afterward,
one can umount/mount an NFS filesystem at will.  If the mount point is
the PWD or otherwise in use, the umount attempt returns "Device busy".

Even on a quiescent 'amd'-managed NFS mount, access to files on that
mount during or slightly after a 'cvs update' on the file server will
succeed, albeit with some disconcerting delay--as long as 'firefox'
isn't running.

Pondering other scenarios that could trigger the behavior.  Something
with a file open on the 'amd'-managed mount during 'cvs update' on the
server?  The directory is already open as PWD in the shell.  Something
that writes to a file?  I have another client on which I was editing an
email during 'cvs update' and it survived (albeit with the aforementioned

One thing I think I should check is to get the client stuck and try to
umount an NFS file system without deliberately sabotaging the attempt
(i.e., don't make it PWD before umount).  I expect it will get stuck
as well.

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