On Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 3:46 PM, Malcolm Herbert <m...@mjch.net> wrote:
> Folks - I use a combination of bash, screen, irssi (all on NetBSD) at
> the remote end and putty (on Windows) or Terminal (on Ubuntu) at the
> local end and haven't been able to get utf-8 working end-to-end ...
> Are there tips or pointers on getting more-than-merely-ASCII working
> with this combination? Are there testing tools I can use to work out
> which bit might be dropping the ball?
> Given the world-wide nature of development on NetBSD, I don't believe
> it isn't supported, I'm very probably just not doing it right ... :)
> Regards,
> Malcolm
> --
> Malcolm Herbert
> m...@mjch.net

I recently got all of this working thanks to:

and settings in my terminal (osx)
advanced -> text encoding -> utf-8
my lang:
~ $ echo $LANG

(that's local and remote after ssh)

in screenrc:
defutf8 on
utf8 on

/SET term_charset utf-8 in irssi

start screen with -U

and now I can finally use perl6 characters in irc. «like this»

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