
I use Alpine as mailclient on a Digital PWS600au with NetBSD 7.0. When accessing my mailboxes (a couple of IMAP mailboxes, including my own ISP, and at Yahoo and Google), I always get an error of which I can't get rid of: "Can't connect to imap.isp.com,993: No route to host". But after these messages Alpine connects to the imap hosts and opens the mailboxes.

Interesting point is though that it doesn't give this warning for the Yahoo mailbox. Pinging and traceroute to all hosts works fine. Settings in Alpine are the same for all imap servers.

I have the same setup at another computer which runs Alpine on FreeBSD 10-STABLE (with exactly the same Alpine settings, even same network settings afaik). But there is no problem on that computer at all.

Does anyone know where to look for things like this?



You see things; and you say "Why?"
But I dream things that never were; and I say "Why not?"
                -- George Bernard Shaw, "Back to Methuselah"
                   [No, it wasn't John F. Kennedy.  Ed.]

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