On Tue, 8 Mar 2016, Benny Siegert wrote:
I don?t think that?s a big deal. For the record, I have run my SSD without TRIM on NetBSD for a long while now. In fact, your email taught me about the ?discard? option :?

Well, I have also on other systems. I've also read that some SSDs don't actually need TRIM at all. I use Samsung 850 Pros.

Otherwise, to enable TRIM without rebooting, try:
mount -uo discard /

I think that the mount -a does the same thing. What I did to test was to try it on one system and after editing the /etc/fstab and running mount -a I see that "discard" is listed in the "mount" output. However, I'm a little suspicous that it's not actually on. Paranoia.

3. dd if=/dev/zero bs=4096k of=/my/affected/file/system/DELETEME.000
  I'm assuming short blocks get written as partials.
I would skip this step and the following ones. They likely do more harm than good.

I'd like to know where you are coming from on that. I get that SSDs have to be wear leveled, but I'm wondering what's going to happen the next time that I write to a block that was deleted but not properly trim'd. Wouldn't that cause a pause / blocking while the TRIM operation had to complete? Maybe I have a jacked up understanding of the dynamics, but hey, that's why I asked :-)

Thanks for the feedback.


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