On Aug 1,  2:36pm, Swift Griggs wrote:
} On Mon, 1 Aug 2016, metalli...@fastmail.fm wrote:
} > I've had several issues with various parts of the OS, but ipf is the one 
} > that causes random kernel panics.
} There are more choices now if you feel you are not getting your money's 
} worth from NetBSD/IPF. There is always PF, for example.

     At this point, I would probably try NPF.  This is the second
major release with NPF, so it is mature.  PF is ancient and
unmaintained.  But, there are people that are quite happy with it.

} > so the entire home network is offline until I go downstairs, plug 
} > something into the rack, and manually refresh it.  Not cool, guys. Not 
} > cool.
} Here's me all concerned that you have to walk downstairs *yawn*. Not cool? 
} Since when was it cool to rip a butthurt attitude to a group of developers 
} and volunteers who've been helping you by your own admission for over 15 
} years?

     True.  Notes like the original aren't likely to get much
sympathy or any real response.

}-- End of excerpt from Swift Griggs

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