On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 10:56:19AM -0600, Roy Bixler wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 06:40:46AM +0000, Chavdar Ivanov wrote:
> > installing osabi-NetBSD-7.0...
> > The Operating System version (7.0.1) does not match 7.0
> > pkg_install warnings: 0, errors: 1
> > ---
> > 
> > One has to go through pkgsrc again, which defeats the purpose...
> I've had problems with that package too and I've gotten used to going
> through pkgsrc to solve it.  If it's any consolation, this takes very
> little time to build (certainly nothing like qt4-libs or firefox!)
> Besides, I think that not every package is available as a binary and
> then it's also necessary to build from source.

I replied privately and Chavdar indicated that the following
advice, mentioned in a recent thread on OSABI by Patrick Welche, works
for him:

Add CHECK_OSABI=no to /etc/pkg_install.conf

It might be worth an FAQ entry, since the 7.0.1 binary packages are
symlinked to the 7.0 binary packages and the osabi package would be
"wrong" for 7.0.1.

Roy Bixler <rcbix...@nyx.net>
"The fundamental principle of science, the definition almost, is this: the
sole test of the validity of any idea is experiment."
-- Richard P. Feynman

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