On Sep 6, 2016, at 4:59 PM, Manuel Bouyer wrote:

On Tue, Sep 06, 2016 at 01:11:50PM -0400, Al Zick wrote:
Okay, I tried disabling the re driver with userconf. I booted up and it seemed to work fine. However, after many reboots, while it was booting I did get one rtk0: watchdog timeout. I am not sure if this is anything to be
concerned about or not.

If it's only one it should be harmless.

There is also the issue of resizing the / partition. I use disklabel -e wd0.
Then "A", next I change the size of partitions. I already had added
resize_root=YES to my rc.conf, but it didn't resize. After trying many different things, I was able to corrupt the root partition, so now it only
boots if I run fsck_ffs manually.

Do you have log option for / in the fstab ?
If so that's why resize_root didn't work.

You can remove log from fstab, reboot and once root has been resized,
add log back.

I really don't know what I have wrong. So, I included my fstab and disklabel for wd0

# cat /etc/fstab
# NetBSD /targetroot/etc/fstab
# See /usr/share/examples/fstab/ for more examples.
/dev/wd0a               /       ffs     rw               1 1
/dev/wd0b               none    swap    sw,dp            0 0
kernfs          /kern   kernfs  rw
ptyfs           /dev/pts        ptyfs   rw
procfs          /proc   procfs  rw
#/dev/cd0a              /cdrom  cd9660  ro,noauto
tmpfs           /var/shm        tmpfs   rw,-m1777,-sram%25

# disklabel wd0
# /dev/rwd0d:
type: unknown
disk: wd0
bytes/sector: 512
sectors/track: 63
tracks/cylinder: 16
sectors/cylinder: 1008
cylinders: 16644
total sectors: 335544320
rpm: 3600
interleave: 1
trackskew: 0
cylinderskew: 0
headswitch: 0           # microseconds
track-to-track seek: 0  # microseconds
drivedata: 0

16 partitions:
#        size    offset     fstype [fsize bsize cpg/sgs]
a: 327155472 63 4.2BSD 2048 16384 0 # (Cyl. 0*- 324559*) b: 8388608 327155535 swap # (Cyl. 324559*- 332881*) c: 335544257 63 unused 0 0 # (Cyl. 0*- 332881*) d: 335544320 0 unused 0 0 # (Cyl. 0 - 332881*)

# grep resize /etc/rc.conf

# df -h
Filesystem         Size       Used      Avail %Cap Mounted on
/dev/wd0a          7.3G       1.9G       5.0G  27% /
kernfs             1.0K       1.0K         0B 100% /kern
ptyfs              1.0K       1.0K         0B 100% /dev/pts
procfs             4.0K       4.0K         0B 100% /proc
tmpfs              2.0G         0B       2.0G   0% /var/shm

Like I said not sure what I have wrong.

Kind Regards,

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