swiftgri...@gmail.com (Swift Griggs) writes:

>I wonder what happened in his case. I can tell he's re-using the same box 
>and drive from his FreeBSD install, but I've done that many times and 
>never had a problem (other than being annoyed at 'dk' devices showing up). 
>I just wipe the disk and start over. 

Well, he didn't wipe the disk and either he just didn't recognize
"root device:" as a prompt for input or, more probable, the keyboard
driver (USB?) failed.

But neither should happen during installation. My guess is that sysinst
didn't clean the disk and the screenshot comes from booting the installed

                                Michael van Elst
Internet: mlel...@serpens.de
                                "A potential Snark may lurk in every tree."

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