On 03/10/2016 19:35, Swift Griggs wrote:

Folks, I recently installed NetBSD on a Lenovo M83 Tiny machine and from
time to time, I notice the "[system]" (appears to be a kernel thread?)
getting up to 80% of the CPU while the box is doing .... nothing. No
processes are active and a reboot clears the issue (except when it
doesn't. I power-cycle *then* it's cleared). The only reason I noticed in
the first place was because of the system-fan spinning up. FYI, this is
just a standard NetBSD 7 install (not -current).

What is "[system]" really doing? Is there a way to get a more granular
look at what is going on?

[system] in top at least is the netbsd kernel so its the accumulated usage of all of the kernel threads in the system. If you want to see it broken down press t in top which displays the threads of processes. Should be able to see which kernel thread is taking up your CPU.

From my Linux experiece there isn't a top view that corresponds to the netbsd default view as linux top always shows all kernel threads as separate processes.


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