Wes Frazier <wes.fraz...@members.fsf.org> wrote:

> I apologize if this is the wrong mailing list I was a bit torn as to the
> exact list I should use for this. I am a new NetBSD user and I just
> largely completed an initial install of NetBSD 7.1 with XFCE and various
> packages from 2017Q1.
> Anyway I have the system mostly installed and configured to my
> satisfaction. However I wanted to see if there was a
> prescribed/recommended way to get the automatic mounting and unmounting
> of removable media working for file managers such as Thunar. I am
> somewhat comfortable mounting and unmounting volumes from the
> command-line but wanted to make sure there wasn't a better way to
> integrate Thunar/XFCE into that process.
> I haven't had much luck playing with gnome-mount or gnome-volume-manager
> to assist.

This is bound to be a little adventure.

From what I understand, automounting of removable media in Xfce/Thunar
is udev-dependent, hence Linux-dependent, so unless something has
changed in the meantime, I'm not sure that this will work.

You could try a native NetBSD solution with amd ( man amd ), which would
be independent of Xfce/Thunar, but this would require a little
research. See
http://mail-index.netbsd.org/netbsd-users/2008/10/06/msg002134.html for
an old thread on amd, but probably there are more recent attempts.

You might have better luck with Lumina ( https://lumina-desktop.org/ ),
which is BSD-friendly. There are positive signs that automounting of
removable media works on Lumina on TrueOS (
), but it's not clear whether this applies to NetBSD as well.

If you pursue this issue, let us know what you come up with. :-)


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