Date:        Wed, 14 Mar 2018 15:31:23 +0000
    From:        Patrick Welche <>
    Message-ID:  <20180314153123.GD6381@quark>

  | Rather than the traditional /etc/ifconfig.vlan0, I thought I would try the
  | fancy rc.conf variables:
  | net_interfaces="vlan0"
  | ifconfig_vlan0="create;vlan 1 vlanif wm0;inet netmask 
  | but after a reboot, no complaints in /var/run/rc.log, but also no vlan0...

What do you have auto_ifconfig set to?

/etc/defaults/rc.conf has ...

auto_ifconfig=YES                               # config all avail. interfaces
net_interfaces=""                               # used only if above is NO

Note the comment on the second .    If you set auto_ifconfog=NO
then you are also going to need wm0 in net_interfaces (before vlan0 I presume)
or it will not be configured.


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