On 12 July 2018 at 15:43, John D. Baker <jdba...@mylinuxisp.com> wrote:
> On Tue, 1 May 2018, John D. Baker wrote:
>> I use firefox52 (so I can have working gtk2 instead of broken gtk3) with
>> little problem on NetBSD/amd64-8.0_RC1.
>> It only occasionally dumps core and quits, usually only after some
>> web site gets sideways or I try something odd.
> About two weeks after I wrote the above, I started getting the:
>   Gah...Your tab just crashed!
> on the foreground tab at startup.  Only rarely will clicking "Restore
> this tab." work.  While in this state, switching to any other tab will
> cause it to crash as well.
> Quitting firefox in this state leaves a small (for firefox) core file.
> On subsequent launches, the problem may not appear or when it does
> "Restore..." may eventually work.  If not, explicitly opening a new tab
> and having it load the URL of the crashed tab will usually work.  Move
> the new tab ahead of the crashed tab and close the crashed tab.
> I most often encounter the problem when starting firefox after completing
> a 'cvs update' run on my file server.  Applications opening files on
> 'amd'-managed NFS mounts while a 'cvs update' is in progress on the file
> server may cause the NFS client to hang, so I always quit firefox before
> updating.
> It seems to take a while for amd-managed NFS clients to recover after
> the CVS update.  Clients operating on explicit NFS mounts are not
> affected.
> File server and client are both up-to-date NetBSD/amd64-8.0_RC2 and the
> client is running "www/firefox52".

As a somewhat related datapoint

Since ryoon adjusted www/firefox to disable multiprocess windows
(2018-05-18), I've found it pretty usable - it crashes every few hours
under heavy usage, but doesn't trash the session so it can reopen with
the same window set. This is under 8.0_RC2 amd64


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