Am Montag, 23. Juli 2018, 12:51:01 CEST schrieben Sie:
> Which means, as soon as I install such a BBU, the write-operations would
> magically and immediately become fast?
writes goes "asynchronous" to/through RAM / buffer / cache on the controller 
then. If i remember correctly, the battery device is combined with a DIMM bar 
in a "cache extension pack".

> If only such a BBU wouldn't be so hard to find... :|
Each HP vendor should be able to provide you one on request. This is a official 
"upgrade option" (to that contollers) too afaik - but typically bundled with 
a DIMM bar.
> Is there no hack to simulate the presence of a BBU?
This means a "hack" of the array controller firmware? This - if "available" - 
would probably crash your filesystems if power loss ß)

good luck,

 Niels Dettenbach
 Syndicat IT & Internet

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