I just updated my laptop from NetBSD 7 to 8. When starting my X session
which uses twm, the session didn't start properly. It turned out that
/usr/bin/m4 was looping with 100% cpu use.

Ctwm uses m4 to preprocess the .ctwmrc file. Mine starts more or less
like this:

# CTWM configuration file.
#  Derived from Anthony Thyssens  ".twmrc.m4"  for multiple ctwm versions.
changecom()dnl       # Do not remove comments from the result
changequote([,])dnl  # m4 quoting interferes with shell escapes
dnl Capitalised version of the window managers name, for use in Menus
define( TWM_NAME, translit(TWM_TYPE, [cvt], [CVT]))dnl

Precisely this prefix makes it loop:

vargaz:/tmp$ /usr/bin/m4 /tmp/test
# CTWM configuration file.
#  Derived from Anthony Thyssens  ".twmrc.m4"  for multiple ctwm versions.

and no more output occurs.

Normally TWM_NAME and TWM_TYPE are predefined by ctwm but it fails
equally if they are not.

This worked (of course) in NetBSD 7.

___ Olaf 'Rhialto' Seibert  -- Wayland: Those who don't understand X
\X/ rhialto/at/falu.nl      -- are condemned to reinvent it. Poorly.

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