Dan LaBell wrote:

> #meh.
> It didn't stop SQLite from taking off. Maybe, what is really  
> necessary would be from someone to write a book. Or, a few ambitious  
> some ones. Maybe it's all part of Cyber's ( the god of all things  
> digital ) plan; so, women can break into the male-dominated tech  
> writing market.
> #meh
> I've been thinking it could be great if in pkgsrc a user could make a  
> sub package
> for some time now.   It would be great, because then we all wouldn't  
> have to imagine
> all the possible notions of heresy, that could crop up, before we  
> even imagine
> sharing.  Which is different that wanting to share.  Something like,  
> I just make a sub
> directory inside of ./work/.  And, then grab all the files I need,  
> put it in there, and then
> all I have to remember is, cd .. && bmake subpbackage
> # and then read error message, because lol I have to name the  
> subpackage as arg2

Sorry, only I am allowed to ramble like an old man.


OpenBSD links associated projects at the bottom of the home page.
I think NetBSD should have something like this too. The curses library
isn't the only thing, bozotic is another. pkgsrc is linked already,
and that's good. Everybody knows it, and it's used across all Unices.


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