On 2018-09-06 16:21, jmitchel wrote:

I know this is a somewhat annoying question, because it's very broad
and the server's out of date, but am I going to get in trouble using
the version of BIND that came with NetBSD 6.1.4. Here's the info:

Karma:/etc/namedb# uname -a
NetBSD Karma 6.1.4 NetBSD 6.1.4 (GENERIC) i386
Karma:/etc/namedb# named -V
BIND 9.9.2-P1 built with defaults
using OpenSSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.1g 7 Apr 2014

The box will be answering queries from a cached version of the Windows
DNS domain, and will also be used to forward all non-local lookups to
OpenDNS. It is behind a SonicWall firewall and there isn't any direct
access to port 53 (either TCP or UDP) from the Internet. What are the
odds the server will be okay?

I know I should just install the latest version, but I'm under the gun
as we've just realized that there are about 400 "Malware" DNS queries
per day and I'm worried about what's installed on what computers and
want to know which ones are infected ASAP.

Thanks in advance for reading and any help you can provide.

Jason M.

Never mind (I think). I checked pkgsrc before writing this, but didn't check the right directory. I just found bind-9.10.8pl1nb1 and will use that. But if there's any reason I should be wary with the newer software, please let me know.


Jason M.

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