On 9/8/2018 11:55 PM, Michael van Elst wrote:
netbsd-embed...@gmx.com ("Don NetBSD") writes:

My understanding is that the 'd' partition is intended to reference the
entire medium.  But, a simple test (disklabel -e) indicates that I can
create an arbitrary (start,size) for that partition.  So, I could
potentially encounter a foreign disk that happens to *look* like it has a
'd' partition that doesn't map to the actual entire physical disk.

The 'd' partition is the raw partition (on x86, other architectures use
'c'). Accesses to the raw partition ignore the disklabel values.

Yet manually editing any of the parameters in the label via disklabel(8)
(d partition size/offset, total sectors, # cylinders, sectors/track, etc.)
*persists* across disklabel(8) invocations.  Apparently, these are only stored
in the kernel and not rewritten to the physical medium (?) -- i.e., they
don't persist across a reboot.

[I've verified both of these claims]

Which begs the question, why are these presumably immutable parameters
allowed to be altered in even the in-kernel copy of the label?  Why are
attempts at altering them (sectors/track, etc.) not ignored completely?

Said another way, are these "in-kernel" values (which no longer reflect
the physical medium) ever reported in other system calls/ioctls/etc.
INSTEAD of the "real" values?  (In my example, disklabel(8) is getting
the modified-to-be-incorrect values from *somewhere*...)

N.B. 'sysctl kern.rawpartition' shows what the raw partition is

How can I get the actual geometry and ensure any bogus label contents are
obliterated (i.e., overwriting the entire medium regardless of the
"protected" MBR/label space)?

The disklabel stores the physical geometry, but that's mostly what has been
stored in the on-disk disklabel. The driver also knows the geometry from the
drive itself. You can query this data using 'drvctl -p'.

I'm looking for programmatic ways of doing so (omit most/all of the filesystem

Obviously, if drvctl(8) can report the "real" values, then they must be
preserved somewhere besides the in-kernel disklabel.  (?)  And, somewhere
that can't be mucked with by altering the contents of the disklabel portion
of the medium!

[I'll grep the source to see...]

Erasing an on-disk label is done with 'disklabel -D'. The kernel will then
use a generated default label.

Writing a few sectors of garbage to /dev/rsd#d (seeking to start of file)
won't overwrite the label.  Verify this by copying one disk to another:
    dd if=/dev/rsd0d of=/dev/rsd1d bs=1024k
and verifying the label of the destination disk isn't altered (?)

Bottom line:  I'm trying to expose the "native" (avoiding the use of the
word "raw" to minimize the association with the "character device") disk
interface to my code so I can put what I want, where I want it (as long
as I don't expect NetBSD to "use" the disk in any way).  And, trying to
figure out what contractual guarantees I can get from the OS to stay out
of my way in doing so.

[The alternative is to resort to bare metal programming and elide all
of the muck that is associated with a "PC"]

Related but different question:  is there any support for hot-plugging
(unplugging) drives (other than USB) on NetBSD?  I know you can kludge
this with external SCSI drives if the i/f is quiescent and you then rescan
the appropriate scsibus.  But, how does SATA/SAS cope?

About the same. There is an autoconfig feature in the drivers to 'rescan'
which can be triggered with 'drvctl -r'. ATA needs an additional parameter,
i.e. 'drvctl -r -a ata_hl atabus1' will try to attach drives on 'atabus1'.
For hotplug you would first detach the old drive with 'drvctl -d' and then

OK.  Again, I can look through the source to see what the actual mechanism
is (to reproduce it in my code).

Do you happen to know if SATA/SAS are *inherently* hotpluggable?  Or, do
they need *hardware* support on the motherboard/backplane to do this?
I.e., is "support for hotplugging" entirely a software ("BIOS") issue?

Thanks for your help!

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