On Sat, Sep 22, 2018 at 11:02:32PM +0200, Cayo Puigdefabregas wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a problem with xorg that I don't found any solution.
> The problem is that I have a i915 card I have a x1 carbon 5ยบ gen.
> When I start netbsd is loaded the module *i915* DRMKMS
> I use the xorg.conf that is created with X -configure.
> In this file exits as driver card "intel"
> everything seems correct, but when I start the X, xorg throws and error
> (EE)
> Fatal server error:
> (EE) no screens found(EE)
> (EE)
> someone has an idea of where to start
> Thanks you
> Cayo

If you are using netbsd-current, it will probably have support, but xorg
needs some workarounds for now:
- Build pkgsrc xorg deleting old packages, setting X11_TYPE=modular,
  build meta-pkg/modular-xorg and start /usr/pkg/bin/startx.
- Get pkgsrc-wip, and build wip/xf86-video-intel-git to replace
- Now it will work

Alternatively, for the quickest way for things to work, you can disable
the i915 driver and just use vesa (this is slower, but less work)
- In the bootloader, drop to boot prompt
- type "userconf disable i915drmkms"
- "boot"

we'll try to make sure base xorg, pkgsrc xorg etc. all work, but it won't
be right away.

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