On Mon, Oct 15, 2018 at 06:44:30PM -0700, Don NetBSD wrote:
> You're used to dealing with "computers" where you CAN change a piece of
> software AFTER release.  I deal with devices/appliances where the cost of
> upgrading the device far exceeds the cost of the device (and comes at
> a huge "reputation cost" in the eyes of the user:  "You mean, this device
> has been BROKEN all of this time?")

Yes, I figured that was what you were doing but if there is any chance
that your product will be featured in the technology news channels for
having vulnerabilities that allow it to be used by bot herders or crypto
currency miners it would be possibly more embarressing...

> I'm exploiting the fact that I can throw a NetBSD system onto some COTS
> hardware (without requiring it to be a "PC"), embelish it with outboard
> devices (so I don't have to get monies approved to build prototypes) and
> pitch a proof of concept prototype to Management -- to fund REAL
> development efforts.

Yes, this is not the first time that has been done.  Good Luck :)

Brett Lymn
Let go, or be dragged - Zen proverb.

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