On 2018-12-16 02:16, Jason Mitchell wrote:
On Dec 14, 2018, at 10:32 AM, Palmer, John <jpal...@utilinc.com> wrote:

I’m trying out one of those Antsle virtual server boxes with NetBSD and am getting issues with file system becoming corrupt almost immediately
Somehow this got truncated. Resending ...


A quick look at the Anstle web page shows that it uses KVM. A google search of NetBSD on KVM gives this advice:

"avoid slow down/ hangs with --no-acpi and network timeout by using -net nic,model=ne2k_pci, disable both SMP and ACPI in /boot.cfg inside guest"



The above text is for 5.0.2, the latest NetBSD version mentioned. You can disable ACPI and SMP from the boot menu on the installer .iso.

Hope this helps,

Jason M.

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