On Fri, Jan 18, 2019 at 02:16:31PM +0100, Martin Husemann wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 18, 2019 at 04:07:06PM +0300, Dima Veselov wrote:
> > I have completely no idea why 8.0-STABLE can't take non-integer value.
> Is there a locale issu involved?

Ahh, magician, how did you got this??? Unbelievable.

[root@ranir ~]$ export LC_ALL=C
[root@ranir ~]$ sleep 0.05
[root@ranir ~]$ export LC_ALL=ru_RU.UTF-8
[root@ranir ~]$ sleep 0.05
usage: sleep seconds
[root@ranir ~]$ sleep 0,05
[root@ranir ~]$ 

That means it also work wrong in 8.0.

So, what shall we do with that now? Maybe its right to get ','
instead of '.', but I beleive this should not work in commandline.

I have checked - Linux and FreeBSD sleep do not take ',' with 
same locale.

Sincerely yours,
Dima Veselov
Physics R&D Establishment of Saint-Petersburg University

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