On Tue, Jan 22, 2019 at 07:26:05PM +0000, Richard Ibbotson wrote:
> On 22/01/2019 19:20, Chris Hanson wrote:
> > > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQYAS7A2LD0
> > 
> > Can you summarize the points you’re trying to make by referencing these 
> > videos and conference talks for those of us without the time to watch them?
> This probably isn't the right media to submit a 2 to 5 page A4 essay about
> the subject of RISC-V.  Most of us don't have the time to write such things.
> Most of us do have the time to watch TV or a video. That's the way that
> large parts of the population of this planet actually receive their
> information.
> -- 
> Richard


I imagine most people hanging around netbsd do know what RISC-V is.
Even going over the list of contributors to RISC-V, you'll find some
familiar names.

NetBSD doesn't have a full RISC-V port yet because it is difficult to
create a new port and takes time, and people might not have the free
time & energy to work on it, or rank other things as more important to
them personally.

zmcgrew is doing a lot of work on it, but it is still not complete. Help
is welcome, of course.

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