
On Sun, Feb 03, 2019 at 12:07:06PM +0000, Sad Clouds wrote:
> On Sun, 3 Feb 2019 11:27:07 +0100
> tlaro...@polynum.com wrote:
> > With all your help and from this summary, I suspect that the probable
> > culprit is 3) above (linked also to 2) but mainly 3): an instance
> > of Samba, serving a 10T or a 100T request is blocking on I/O,
> You must have some ancient hardware that is not capable of utilising
> full network bandwidth.
> I have Sun Ultra10 with 440MHz CPU, this has a 1000baseT PCI network
> card, but when sending TCP data it can only manage around 13 MiB/sec.
> Looking at 'vmstat 1' output it is clear that CPU is 100% busy, 50%
> system + 50% interrupt.
> ultra10$ ifconfig wm0
> wm0: flags=0x8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
>         capabilities=2bf80<TSO4,IP4CSUM_Rx,IP4CSUM_Tx,TCP4CSUM_Rx>
>         capabilities=2bf80<TCP4CSUM_Tx,UDP4CSUM_Rx,UDP4CSUM_Tx,TCP6CSUM_Tx>
>         capabilities=2bf80<UDP6CSUM_Tx>
>         enabled=0
>         ec_capabilities=7<VLAN_MTU,VLAN_HWTAGGING,JUMBO_MTU>
>         ec_enabled=0
>         address: 00:0e:04:b7:7f:47
>         media: Ethernet autoselect (1000baseT 
> full-duplex,flowcontrol,rxpause,txpause)
>         status: active
>         inet broadcast flags 0x0
>         inet6 fe80::20e:4ff:feb7:7f47%wm0/64 flags 0x0 scopeid 0x2
> ultra10$ ./sv_net -mode=cli -ip= -port=9999 -threads=1 -block=64k 
> -size=100m
> Per-thread metrics:
>   T 1      connect 1.01 msec,  transfer 7255.29 msec (13.78 MiB/sec, 9899.03 
> Pks/sec)
> Per-thread socket options:
>   T 1      rcvbuf=33580,  sndbuf=49688,  sndmaxseg=1460,  nodelay=Off
> Aggregate metrics:
>   connect  1.01 msec
>   transfer 7255.29 msec (13.78 MiB/sec, 9899.03 Pks/sec)

Thank you for the data.

But there is one point that I failed to give: it happens that on some
nodes, the connections to the server become totally unresponsive for
several seconds.

Since the server, if not brand new, is a decent less than 5
years old dual-core Intel with plenty of RAM, upgraded to NetBSD 7.2, it
is able to use the Intel gigabit card at full speed.

Thanks to your data, I see that on some hardware, despite the
capabilities of the ethernet card, I might not get the full speed.

But since (what I forgot to write) sometimes the whole performance,
via the Samba shares, drops, and since, from the answers, the bottle
neck is not on the ethernet card of the server, and since something
is affecting everything, the problem seems logically to be on the
server and this is on the server that a process is grabbing one of
the core.

Thanks for your answer. I already learned valuable things!
        Thierry Laronde <tlaronde +AT+ polynum +dot+ com>
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