the man page for gpt on NetBSD 8.0_STABLE in the example section shows:

     Booting from GPT on an BIOS system.  This creates a bootable partition
     that can be manually installed to.  Note that sysinst(8) does not yet
     properly support this setup.

     xotica# gpt create wd1
     xotica# gpt add -b 1024 -l bootroot -t ffs -s 1g wd1
     /dev/rwd1: Partition 1 added: 49f48d5a-b10e-11dc-b99b-0019d1879648 1024 
     xotica ~# dmesg | tail -2
     wd1: GPT GUID: 660e0630-0a3f-47c0-bc52-c88bcec79392
     dk0 at wd1: "bootroot", 2097152 blocks at 1024, type: ffs
     xotica# gpt biosboot -L bootroot wd1
=> xotica# newfs dk0
     xotica# installboot /dev/rdk0 /usr/mdec/bootxx_ffsv1
     xotica# mount /dev/dk0 /mnt
     xotica# cp /usr/mdec/boot /mnt

On Feb 13, 2019, at 12:25 AM, John Nemeth <> wrote:

> On Feb 12,  7:03pm, Robert Nestor wrote:
> }
> } Somewhat related, but the man page on GPT in the example on how
> } to set up a BIOS boot indicates that one should newfs dk?, not
> } rdk?.  A number of people have pointed out to me that I should
> } be running newfs on rdk?, NOT dk?.  This was probably the source
>     What manpage?  From what version of NetBSD?  I just looked at
> the manpage for gpt(8) on a NetBSD 7.1 system and a NetBSD -current
> system, neither of them said anything about that.
> } of a lot of my problems, but in my defense I was just following
> } the documentation.  :-)
> } 
> }-- End of excerpt from Robert Nestor

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