Mayuresh <> writes:

> The man page of bozohttpd in the base (NetBSD 8.0) says TLS 1.1 and 1.2 is
> supported.
> But I couldn't find much documentation about how to enable it.
> Are there any tutorials on how to use TLS with bozohttpd?
> Mayuresh

In my inetd.conf I invoke it like this:

https ....  httpd -Z /usr/pkg/etc/httpd/server.crt 
/usr/pkg/etc/httpd/server.key /var/www

man httpd

     -Z certificate_path privatekey_path
                Sets the path to the server certificate file and the private
                key file in pem format.  It also causes bozohttpd to start SSL

Use -z to set ciphers

Brad Spencer - - KC8VKS -

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