Just installed this image [thanks Herbert] on RPI2

This is not exactly a problem report, so not writing many details.

I do not know on which of the following items work is/was going on and
whether they were supposed to work anyway.

If such is the case with some of the items please let me know, I'll share
more details to describe the problems which may help fix the issues.

Most of these were reported with details at 8.0_RC1 stage.

- Garbled HDMI display on console (worked fine with x11) appears fixed
  now. But it still fails to occupy the full width and height of the

- run0 interface (a USB wifi adapter) still fails to function.

- Tried connecting a couple of mobile phones' with usb tethering. These
  work fine on amd64 8.0_RC1, but are not recognized on RPI2.

In any of these, if there any configuration things that I need to try
please let me know. If more details are needed for investigation will be
happy to share as well.


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