On Apr 27,  2:13pm, r...@reedmedia.net wrote:
} On Sat, 27 Apr 2019, JP wrote:
} > is there a maximum number of users that can be logged in at a given time?
} config(5) says there is no such limit.
} Linux has a pam way using limits.conf. FreeBSD could use inetd to spawn 

     NetBSD runs PAM, so it shouldn't be hard port/pkg the PAM
module that does this.

} sshd with a inetd.conf "max-child" option. I don't know of an existing 
} NetBSD way for ssh logins. Ideas could be: add some PAM feature to 
} record logins and honoring it; or add a "max-child" option to inetd and 
} use it to spawn sshd.    But why the limit? Explain your use case and 
} maybe we can provide a different solution.

     This might be a language problem.  I interpreted the question
as, "What is the maximum number of users that NetBSD supports?"

     This is a somewhat loaded question.  Although there is no
explicit limit, at some point, you're going to run out of resources
(process numbers, memory, physical ports, network bandwidth, etc.).
I don't know what the maximum number of processes is currently,
but I'm pretty sure that's not going to be the constraining factor.
The feasible limit depends on how much resources you have and how
much each user needs.

}-- End of excerpt from r...@reedmedia.net

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