Testing the final product.

Especially, if you're considering, it scientifically, then operating system is only half the architecture.

Since, you say project. then you can mean something that includes, what would be an application on on something like netbsd. Because netbsd and other unix like -- I'm going to interrupt myself, to say that Painting algorithms are part of Graphs, as far as the science goes -- Anyway, presently, the only way to absolutely test for pre-fail, in a fixed disk, that I can use, is a program, that I'm constantly tweaking, that began, as my stab, at progress, since at that time it was hard to grab, if you can believe that. Anyway, something that painted the directory tree, while looking for slow spots, would be better,
than an offline, or post backup:
#./mbps < /dev/rwd0e > /dev/zero 2> log & sleep 2.5 : tail -f log
The trick is to have it print out something like TOO SLOW!, and the end of line, when it's slower,
than a limit, like 10 MB/s.  If it's less 1, it's failing now.
BTW to zero is necessary, null would just testing the seek function.

So, because netbsd has the raw device, I can do this, without having use the Waterfall Model.

On Jun 18, 2019, at 3:28 AM, Frédéric Fauberteau wrote:

Le 2019-05-17 09:41, Mayuresh Kathe a écrit :
due to a lack of background in formal computer science, i was under the impression that graph algorithms are only useful in networking related applications/areas. just noticed that even scheduling requires some level of graph algorithm knowledge. am i right in my reading/ observation? if not which areas of an operating system require a good grasp of graph algorithms?
thank you.

FMHO, an operating system has to be efficient and maintainable. And I am not sure it is a reasonable idea to implement graph algorithms (in a general way) in OS. But special cases of graphs as lists or trees are commonly used (e.g red-black trees had been used to implement a scheduler on Linux). When you talk about graph algorithms, it sounds to my ears as Dijkstra or Ford-Fulkerson, and I am not sure these algorithms are implemented in OS. But sure that lists and trees are used for schedulers, filesystems and probably a lo

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