Dima Veselov <kab...@lich.phys.spbu.ru> wrote:

> > I installed /boot, ran installboot and gpt biosboot. Here is fdisk
> > output for the disk:
> What flags installboot was used with?

installboot -o console=com0,speed=115200 /dev/rdk2

Here is the result:

# dkctl wd2 listwedges 
/dev/rwd2d: 3 wedges:
dk3: efi@wd2, 524288 blocks at 34, type: msdos
dk4: raid1@wd2, 11686966381 blocks at 524322, type: raidframe
dk5: swap@wd2, 33554432 blocks at 11687490703, type: swap

# installboot -ev NAME=raid1@wd2
File system:         /dev/rdk4
Boot options:        timeout 5, flags 0, speed 115200, ioaddr 0, console

But I think it does not even reach that stage, since the BIOS just skips
the disk.

Emmanuel Dreyfus

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