I run multiple web servers on several distinct machines in each of four
different domains, which makes the Letsencrypt proposition very
attractive.  After trying Certbot without much success, I lit upon
acme.sh, which offers the possiblity of authentication using
nsupdate(1).  However the process fails, and the relevant error
messages says:

Error add txt for domain:_acme-challenge.prd.co.uk

I note that the man page for nsupdate(1) says:

To use a SIG(0) key, the public key must be stored in a KEY record in a zone
served by the name server.  nsupdate does not read /etc/named.conf.

I am trying to work out whether that means that the keyfile
contents must be manually added to the zone file, because in
named.conf I have an include line for update.key which contains the
path to that key, so it should be there already.

I note that on the acme.sh site there is a long list of *nix-style OSs
on which success has been reported, but not NetBSD.

Steve Blinkhorn <st...@prd.co.uk>

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