I'm new to NetBSD, coming from FreeBSD. I got tired of Google mail and found a nice real unix shell/mail account at SDF.org. In the process it was pointed out to me that they run their servers on NetBSD. So I've started on a fresh install of NetBSD. I'm sure I did not make all the right choices in the install, but it works and I found it easy to configure a ~/.xinitrc file that loads the TDM Window Manager, you know the real primitave page with the 3 xterms & a clock. It's actually ok like that for a while, and the first thing I did was to ssh into sdf and write an email in good old Alpine to the guy who recommended sdf to me.

Well, moving ahead, I've been reading the documentation, and used ftp to get the 2019Q3 pkgsrc. I look in /urs/pkgsrc/x11 and see the list of choices if I want to move beyond TDM, or maybe just improve on it a wee bit. I've intalled NetBSD on my older machine, a 2014 HP Pavillion, so I want a fairly light user of resources. I've got 465 Gb disk space, which is ok, but it's real slow compared to the new home-build Ryzen 7 3700x machine. On the other hand, the old machine at one time held three operating systems: Windows 10, MX Linux, and FreeBSD, using Rod Smith's Refind boot manager. Oh well, time marches on.

My question is what x11 desktop / window manager would anyone recommend?

Clay Daniels

SDF Public Access UNIX System - http://sdf.org

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