On Fri 03 Apr 2020 at 18:18:31 -0400, Todd Gruhn wrote:
> In my root-window I have a (root?) menu with cascading submenus.
> I figured out how to use .Xresources to define several fg/bg menu-color

The mwm manual page seems somewhat garbled for me in several parts, but
I am guessing you followed the part of the manpage in section "Component
Appearance Resources" that says

       If menu is specified, the resource is applied only to mwm menus; if
       icon is specified, the resource is applied to icons; and if client is
       specified, the resource is applied to client window frames. For
       example, Mwm*icon*foreground is used to specify the foreground color
       for mwm icons, Mwm*menu*foreground specifies the foreground color for
       mwm menus, and Mwm*client*foreground is used to specify the foreground
       color for mwm client window frames.

> What if I want the top menu to have the color pair fg1/bg1;
> the GAME sub-menu to have color pair fg2/bg2;
> the APPLICATIONS sub-menu to have color pair fg3/bg3 ?

in the same section a bit further down I found this:

       The appearance of menus can be configured based on the name of the
       menu.  The syntax for specifying menu appearance by name is Mwm*menu*

       For example, Mwm*menu*my_menu*foreground specifies the foreground color
       for the menu named my_menu.

So it seems that you can specify colours etc based on the name of the menu.

Olaf 'Rhialto' Seibert -- rhialto at falu dot nl
___  Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on
\X/  no account be allowed to do the job.       --Douglas Adams, "THGTTG"

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