On Sun, Apr 5, 2020 at 23:05 Martin Husemann <mar...@duskware.de> wrote:

> On Sun, Apr 05, 2020 at 10:20:07PM -0700, bch wrote:
> > > panic: init died (signal 0, exit 11)
> This means something is wrong with /dev/console and the kernel was unable
> to create a tmpfs for /dev and populate it.
> If you had no explicit "/tmpfs on /dev" setup before (I often use that on
> purpose for systems with / on sd card), boot from install media, mount
> your root disk and check the /dev on that.
> If you had a "/tmpfs on /dev" setup, you need to find out why either the
> tmpfs mount or the population failed (could be a missing MAKEDEV, which
> should be either in /dev or in /etc).
> I'm not sure if the frame buffer trying to attach and failing to do so
> could also lead to a existing /dev/console, but the kernel rejecting
> opening it.

This got it. I recently setup ptyfs so I could get more than 16 ptys, and
after that (it seems) an etcupdate deleted a bunch of devices. I toggled
the ptyfs in my attempts, but that obviously didn’t fix anything.

To fix quickly in this single case, I MAKEDEV tty00 to get things started.

So: tmpfs on dev - I don’t see examples in the manage or /usr/share — what
gotchas or standards should I be aware of?

Thanks for your console assessment - it was spot-on.


> Martin

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