On Tue, Apr 07, 2020 at 10:11:24AM -0400, Todd Gruhn wrote:
> The system I am using was assembled and purchase back in Aug 2019.
> Some things I noticed:
>   1) The graphics card (nVidia GEFORCE GTX 1660)  needs to be booted using
>       boot -c ; disable nouveau; quit
>    2) When I compile a package -- and X Windows is NOT RUNNING -- this thing
>        flies
>    3) When I start X (using MWM) -- builds are extremely slow;
>        When I do "su root" checking the root passwd takes about 3 minutes
> Is there a connection between X, my graphics card, and system slowness?
> Is there a way to fix this; or is it a matter of having support for my 
> chip-set?
> I find this interesting to know.

I had the same issue before getting nouveau to work. Had a theory I
never tested that it might be the xf86-video-nv driver causing these
issues. I imagine the best experience you could have is by forcing genfb
somehow and using the x wsfb driver. one way to do it is by selecting
one of the vesa modes in the bootloader, another (I think) is the uefi

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