So I installed 9.0 on my Thinkpad x230 yesterday and encountered a few problems 
I hope you can help me with:
 - somewhat broken suspend - sometimes after waking up there are random letters 
all over the place in the framebuffer (uncleared bits of vram?) and waking up 
while in X doesn't bring it up at all, I'm stuck with an empty framebuffer to 
play with
- long fsck - I dunno why, but for some reason it takes fsck ~20 minutes to go 
over my 2TB drive. Maybe it's normal, but it was always almost instant for me 
(when working with 500GB and 1TB drives)
- no keyfile in cgd - this is more of a question than a problem, does cgd 
support loading keys from keyfiles?
Well, is there anything that can be done?

My dmesg: https://dmesgd.nycbug.org/index.cgi?do=view&id=5452

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