On 02/06/2020 17:14, Patrick Welche wrote:
How does one tell a zpool that the wedge it was on has been renumbered?

e.g., I just replaced a disklabel with a gpt, which created some wedges.
I created a zpool on one of the wedges. I rebooted, so the wedges renumbered
(which is normal), but then:
         NAME                   STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
         ssdpool                UNAVAIL      0     0     0
           5276238111042164986  UNAVAIL      0     0     0  was /dev/dk26

which is true, it is just that /dev/dk26 is now called /dev/dk19.

Any ideas?

Don't know how to fix this as I've not played around with ZFS yet. Probably will next time my fileserver needs a capacity bump :). Is it possible to persuade ZFS to look for the gpt partition by its name(assuming it has one). This seems to be the solution for renumbering taken by /etc/fstab for other filesystems. That way it would keep finding it regardless of device name.


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