On Wed, 17 Jun 2020 16:08:17 -0400
Jeffrey Walton <noloa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> My position is, avoid Git if possible. It is a time sink that takes
> time away from real work. Ignore the Fan Boi's when they ask for Git.
> The request often shows nativity or lack of experience with the tool.
> Jeff

Over the years, I worked on different projects and even though I work
for the same company, we keep switching from one VCS to another.

First we used Subversion, which was OK.

Then people decided Subversion was crap, so they setup Git and Github.
This was just awful, especially the Github workflow, never in my life
before I had to jump through so many pointless hoops in order to commit
a single line fix.

Then we switched to Mercurial. There was no Github nonsense so that was
a relief, however it still sucked compared to the simplicity of
Subversion. There is talk now of switching from Mercurial to Git. And
the cycle continues...

OK I don't spend months meditating over Git manuals, so I don't feel the
force and will never become that Git Jedi Master that everybody else
claims to be these days. There is more to life, I want VCS to be as
simple as possible and to get out of the way, so I can focus on real
work at hand.

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