On 19/06/2020 23:08, Dave McGuire wrote:
On 6/19/20 5:09 PM, matthew sporleder wrote:
I personally think running such an old and inefficient computer is, literally, 
immoral when a modern $30 machine can emulate it perfectly using as much 
electricity as a small CFL light bulb and leave over 700mb of memory to spare.

   Sure, but it's, to put it simply, NOT THE REAL THING.

   If you don't get it, that's fine.  Don't run one.

But there's a massive difference between compiling and running.
Cross compiles in NetBSD is what the base OS excells at.

A case in point - updating my ERLITE is a fairly quick operation. I compile everything on my AMD 2600x w 32G ram. It wasn't that long ago that it look longer to unpack to the internal USB than it did to build the binaries on another host! But thanfully skrll@ solved that.

My ERLITE also runs dnsmasq and while it's quite tiny, it still takes an age to build.


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