On 2020-06-21 17:20, Andreas Krey wrote:
On Sun, 21 Jun 2020 15:20:39 +0000, Johnny Billquist wrote:
40. And you can abbreviate as far as they stay unambiguous.

And it's still not anything you would want to type at all.

Yes, but. There are lots of ways to reference commits, like
'two before the current commit on this branch', but in the
end, if you want to reference a random commit, you have a
random address - a hash in git, a revision number in svn,
and, well, nothing in cvs.

What? I can't believe you are ignorant enough to not know that each file in cvs have a version number for each commit on it.

Or refer to a revision at a certain point in time.

I am still curious about how to manage well in git the scenario where
you do have a central repository that holds the actual source of truth,
and where you want to review and approve anything that gets committed.

That depends on how you want to work - in git is the usual way
that you commit your work, in reasonable steps, and then hand
that out for review. For git itself this means posting the
diffs of each commit to the git mailing list. (Unsurprisingly
there are tools for that within git.)

For the workflow in our company this means pushing your commits
on a personal branch, creating a pull request, and discussing
the changes inside that pull request and making changes until
all reviewers are happy; then that is ready for integration.

In git you usually don't review changes *before* you commit them.

See.. That is, in my book (and not only mine) a serious broken pattern. You do not commit before reviewing. But ok, if that is how you work, then I guess there is not much I can learn from you in that area. Oh well.

The gains of local repositories certainly diminish in the light of that,

Not really. You wouldn't want to work with any central VCS once
you're 250ms away from the server.

I much rather do that than work according to some broken pattern.

Anyway, I feel this is not really going anywhere, so I'll stop here.


Johnny Billquist                  || "I'm on a bus
                                  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: b...@softjar.se             ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive!                     ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

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