At Sat, 4 Jul 2020 21:01:26 +0300, Dima Veselov <> 
Subject: Re: pkgsrc build server
> What I want is to run "make install" on fast real production server
> with lot of resources once and then have all of those packages built in
> NFS DISTDIR so any VM can just install them.

Yes, you can do that, provided the fast server runs the same OS that
will run on the target VM.  I share my /build FS from the build
server(s) and install binary packages built there on production systems.

You may have to arrange for pkgsrc to build binary packages for you, and
I think that's relatively easy now with something like this in your
/etc/mk.conf (i.e. on the build server), though I must warn I may have
missed somthing that I've more permanently hacked on in my pkgsrc tree
(there are some other nice things shown here too).

# This section is just for pkgsrc
.if defined(BSD_PKG_MK)

# carefully share host settings for packages with BSD-Style makefiles
PKGMAKECONF = /etc/mk.conf


DEFAULT_UPDATE_TARGET ?=        package

DEPENDS_TARGET =        update
UPDATE_TARGET =         package-install

# uncomment this if you sometimes manually build packages and might miss
# some dependency that was built without "make update" or "make package"
# and thus which still needs a "make package" run to build the binary
# package.
#CLEANDEPENDS=                  no

# use pkgtools/autoswc to cache some autoconf results
.sinclude "/usr/pkg/share/autoswc/"

.endif  # BSD_PKG_MK

As others have warned though, be careful about mixing packages from
different pkgsrc trees.

                                        Greg A. Woods <>

Kelowna, BC     +1 250 762-7675           RoboHack <>
Planix, Inc. <>     Avoncote Farms <>

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