I have vasrious NetBSD machines in different physical locations and
network segments, and one printer by my desk.  With previous printers
I was able to access them directly from remote machines over their
network interfaces, but the latest one will not accept a connection
from outside the local network.  I'm trying to get a local machine
(currently 7.0) to allow access to its queues.  I have appropriate
settings in hosts.equiv, hosts.allow and hosts.lpd.

On a sample remote machine, jobs are in appropriate queues, with the
message from `lpc status`: waiting for queue to be enabled on

I have restarted lpd on the target machine without the -s option.
In the remote /etc/printcap rp=colour, which is the printer name on
the local machine.

What am I missing?

Steve Blinkhorn <st...@prd.co.uk>

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