Hello! After browsing the available documentation for npf, I did not find any hints about some issues.
1) How to represent port ranges? I tried with beginning_port:end_port (which for example is used in OpenBSD's pf) beginning_port,end_port beginning_port-end_port $port_range = { beginning_port, end_port } but none of them seems to work in map $myif dynamic proto tcp $myhost port XXX <- $myif port XXX However, `http://www.netbsd.org/~rmind/pub/npf_manual_netbsd_6.pdf' mentions in par. 3.4 that a ``TCP/UDP port or range' can be speficied in a rule. 2) I would like to block all the IPs from a subnet, except the ones listed in a variable $host_group. Is this possible? block in final proto tcp from NOT $host_group to $destination port $some_port 3) In the `map' section of npf.conf(5) it is stated that ``Explicit filter criteria can be specified using pass criteria ... as an additional option of the mapping''. So, assume I have: map $myif dynamic proto tcp $myhost port $port1 <- $myif port $port2 pass stateful in family inet4 proto tcp to $myif port $port2 How to merge them? Checking the source code, trying to get some more information about this, is not feasible for me. Thank you anyway! Rocky