On Mon, Nov 02, 2020 at 11:13:01AM +0100, BERTRAND Joël wrote:
> Riccardo Mottola a écrit :
> > Then this is the data for the third day (each time I did a power-off
> > reboot, so it is not continuous operation, I shut down the laptop at night)
> > 
> > SMART supported, SMART enabled
> > id value thresh crit collect reliability description                 raw
> >   1  60   34     yes online  positive    Raw read error rate        
> > 73875073
> >   3  96    0     yes online  positive    Spin-up time                0
> >   4  95   20     no  online  positive    Start/stop count            6088
> >   5 100   36     yes online  positive    Reallocated sector count    13
> >   7  81   30     yes online  positive    Seek error rate            
> > 127050561
> >   9  95    0     no  online  positive    Power-on hours count        4771
> >  10 100   34     yes online  positive    Spin retry count            0
> >  12  98   20     no  online  positive    Device power cycle count    2793
> > 192  99    0     no  online  positive    Power-off retract count     2794
> > 193  17    0     no  online  positive    Load cycle count            166675
> > 194  28    0     no  online  positive    Temperature                 28
> > Lifetime min/max 0/11
> > 195  60    0     no  online  positive    Hardware ECC Recovered     
> > 73875073
> > 197 100    0     no  online  positive    Current pending sector      0
> > 198 100    0     no  offline positive    Offline uncorrectable       0
> > 199 200    0     no  online  positive    Ultra DMA CRC error count   0
> > 200 100    0     no  offline positive    Write error rate            0
> > 202 100    0     no  online  positive    Data address mark errors    0
> > 
> > The number of read errors skyrocketed!
> > 
> > The number of reallocated sector remains the same and this is the
> > only... reassuring thing.
>       Hello,
>       Just a question. Is it a Seagate disk ? On all servers I used this kind
> of disks, Hardware ECC Recovered was always high (and in constant
> increase). I have seen this issue on Linux and *BSD. And of course, I
> considere Seagate as the worst disks that I can buy today.

FWIW, I had the same experience with file servers. Seagate comes last
when I have to order the list of manufacturers from which to buy. 
Western Digital, it depends on the series---but if a disk is bad,
it is bad from the very beginning (unusable on arrival). I had good
experience with Hitachi perhaps because IIRC they inherited IBM
technology, but also more limited experience with their disks
(more difficult to get here depending on the retailers or the size
of the disk).

This above represents just my experience with a limited number of disks
(I'm not Google...).
        Thierry Laronde <tlaronde +AT+ polynum +dot+ com>
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