I am trying to figure out if it is at all possible to get gradle to work on NetBSD 9/OpenJDK 11 (amd64)

Part of troubleshooting, is updating all limits possible.

I seem to be able to update most limits (using sysctl and login.conf)
But cannot figure how what to do to bump up thread, process,nofiles
- - -

nbsd1$ ulimit -a
time          (-t seconds    ) unlimited
file          (-f blocks     ) unlimited
data          (-d kbytes     ) 1048576
stack         (-s kbytes     ) 114688
coredump      (-c blocks     ) unlimited
memory        (-m kbytes     ) 8022252
locked memory (-l kbytes     ) 2674084
thread        (-r threads    ) 1024
process       (-p processes  ) 1024
nofiles       (-n descriptors) 512
vmemory       (-v kbytes     ) unlimited
sbsize        (-b bytes      ) unlimited

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