>I've been using a Gemimi as my main phone for a couple of years until around 2 
>weeks ago when I switched to the Cosmo which supercedes it (and I have the 
>Astroslide on order through crowdfunding on Indiegogo 
>https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/astro-slide-5g-transformer#/ ).
>I love the devices. The Cosmo clearly shows up the Gemini to be a first-gen 
>As I've been using them as my main phone, I've not tried anything but Android 
>on them. They do have multi OS boot support and the boot loader is opensource. 
>know that there's been at least one other person besides me offer a device for 
>a NetBSD port.
>Listed supported OSes for Gemimi are Debian Linux, Sailfish OS 3 Beta 
>Community Edition, Kali Linux, Standard and Rooted Android, Team Win Recovery 

Thanks for the report! I think I might just get one and give it a try. I am not 
looking for a phone as much as a device to do some work (coding, writing) 
during train commutes. I suppose that is somewhat optimistic that train 
commutes will be something I start doing again sometime in the next year! 😊

The form factor of "slightly large than a phone but smaller than a laptop" is 
what appeals to me.

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