Hi Markus,

This explains a lot...I had noticed the files in the sata drive boot partition 
were much simpler than the boot partition on the sdcard.  It is my 
understanding that the Banana pi M1 cannot boot directly off a sata disk so I 
expect the following to be the new flow:

1) u-boot 
  - preps and scans scsi for sata devices
  - loads bootarm.efi off sdcard (mmc dev)
  - runs bootarm.efi
2) bootarm.efi
  - reads efiboot.plist sata boot partition
  - loads netbsd efi kernel from sata boot partition
  - launches netbsd efi kernel

I may have to reimage my sdcard to get it back to a point where it will boot 
the sdcard image and then tweak the settings so that it will efi boot.  I also 
need to make sure I have the ftd file specific to the Banana Pi (assuming it is 
enough different from other armv7 boards)  Probabaly makes sense to move this 
discussion to port-arm at this point.

Thanks again!

  George Morgan

On Fri, Jan 15, 2021, at 2:30 AM, Markus Kilbinger wrote:
> Am Fr., 15. Jan. 2021 um 06:18 Uhr schrieb George Morgan 
> <gmor...@fastmail.fm>:
> >
> > Hi All,
> >
> > I recently installed NetBSD 9.1 on my Banana Pi M1 but can't seem to get 
> > u-boot to like booting of the sata connected hard drive.  I followed the 
> > instructions at:
> > [...]
> on my cubietruck I had to add
>   scsi reset
>   scsi scan
> at the beginning of "boot.cmd" (-> consecutively "boot.scr") to make
> u-boot aware of its sata harddisk.
> Alter that "bootarm.efi" (on the sdcard) was capable with an
> appropriate "efiboot.plist" to boot "netbsd" of the sata harddisk (gpt
> prepared).
> See  http://mail-index.netbsd.org/port-arm/2019/03/31/msg005592.html
> My "/etc/efiboot.plist" looks like:
> <plist>
> <dict>
>         <key>environment-variables</key>
>         <dict>
>                 <key>rootdev</key>
>                 <string>hd0b</string>
>                 <key>bootargs</key>
>                 <string>root=dk1</string>
>         </dict>
> </dict>
> </plist>
> Maybe this helps ...
> Best regards, Markus.

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